Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Term 1: Blog 69

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!! PIRATES ARE OUT IN THE MMORPG I PLAY. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. MUST....SHOOT....SNAILS! >:O

Well, life has gotten boring. With English first period, and a new agenda sized textbook, things are looking pretty slim. And since the stories are short, it's going to mean more homework. And less time spent playing before the pracrastinating begins. =.='s Socials. I drew a picture of a Dragon's head at home. But when I tried to transfer it to the pictorial map I am making with Sean...well...lets just say it didn't turn out really nice. =/ So I'm going to draw it some other time....

Lunch! Hurray for leftovers! the only time I'll ever get to buy lunch is when my math class somehow ends at 9:15 or later. But than I wouldn't have dinner. Sucks for me.

So like it's AS now. Brandon, Allen and I went through the secret entrance/exit to the classroom. It left so cool, but Brandon almost tripped down the stairs. xD But the Pushing the Human Bodies thing is scary! The gruesome pictures make my stomoche inside out. Which apparantly is a good thing. o-O

And finally, it's Science. I found out that half of my classmates coloured thier Foldable assignment. So I was really scared that I'd get marks off for not colouring or fine lining. Though my friends tell me we weren't suppose to colour. I don't know who to trust....DD:

And now it's time for me to finish all~ my homework and start tryin' out Pirates. I really want to shoot snails! :DDDDDDD

Shootin' Snails,

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