Thursday, October 27, 2011

T1B11 - Fall.

It's a fun topic, but if it is due next class, the time is lacking.
If one does their assignment on Halloween, then they are, quite frankly, screwed for Halloween falls on Monday, the next day of class.

If it's not, then I wonder when it is due...

I really cannot think of anything 'Fall' like in the school, that I have not already taken a picture of, either for a previous assignment, or just because they were interesting. Like the trees, I've taken may pictures, from different angles, exposures, speed (although that was not the best idea), aperture and zoooooooooooom.

Even thought of doing a comparison shot, with one tree still green, and another red.
I went outside to take it, since it was the only shot I could think of. I flipped the camera 'ON', and pressed the shutter.

Nothing happened.

I tried again, and again.

Same result.

Then I actually looked at the LCD... and realized my battery had died. I feel so stupid right now, not charging my battery for a good 2-3 weeks... I didn't see it go to 1 bar of battery, so I assumed it was okay.

Guess it wasn't....
Should have brought my charger, or own a back-up battery. Bleh.

Now I'm not going to get anything. My weekend is booked full, from 9am-9pm. Really praying for the assignment to not be due Monday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

T1B10 - Langara Golf Course

It was cold.

I was unprepared for it, and dang do my hands sting.

1 shot/minute rule... was not followed here.
I just took shots that looks nice. Though after a while, the trees and scenery became normal, and less that 1 shot/minute was taken.
Then I came to deletion, and deleted many, many shots.
I'm kind of left with 48, even though I spent slightly more than an hour in there...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

T1B9 - Triangles.

I'm guessing the point of this assignment was to find things we normally don't see.
Like finding triangles in squares, or triangles in letters.

But I don't think that worked out quite as planned, the 20 shot requirement kills off most of the creativity. 20 shots are simple. Especially when there are tons of obvious triangles in the school. I have 30~, and that was only from the first floor and outside.

But if it wasn't for creativity, and just for the lulz as we look for triangles... then that was a horribly boring class.

I'd rather do that 'Garden' assignment, but I know it's cloudy, dark and a bit rainy outside so I'll deal with it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

T1B8 - Shadow.

Was my nickname at Elphinestone for Pre-IB camp.
That sure brings back unwanted memories. :/

Today really was a fine day for shadows. The sun was out, and there were no clouds to trample on our shots. Though this makes me wonder what happens when the block switch comes in and we become the last, or second to last blocks. I just pray that when that time comes, we don't get weather oriented assignments.... :/

Shadows are fun to play around with, though there isn't anyone I know in the class that is a 'friend'. Everything becomes better with more people. The more they merrier, they say. Unless you're out on a date, then the less, the merrier.

I should really bring my adapter to class... then I wouldn't have to upload them at home. Albeit I doubt the school's Internet's ability to upload...


Friday, October 14, 2011

T1B7 - Macro.

I love macro.

But 40 is a bit too much (I think). I don't find everything that can be taken in macro, appealing. The appealing shots are quite few, thus having one take multiple shots of boring, bland things. Like the usual flowers, trees and plants.

Having a dSLR for macro is kinda harsh if one doesn't have a macro lens... Especially if your aperture only goes to 5.0 with room light, and 5.5 with dimmer light. Only outside do I get 3.5 (max), but when I do get 3.5, it's quite literally facing the sun and the light kills it.

I dislike having a bigger depth of field, having a smaller one, in my opinion, is much prettier, and gives a bigger sense of mystery. Especially when you can only barely make out a shape, and then start to guess what that shape was, giving the picture a store for itself.


T1B6 - Action.

I hated the time this assignment was given.
On a collab day = less time
When it's raining = can't go outside.

And the task is to take pictures of action.
Action usually happens outdoors.

Damn it.

Richmond is also quite an inactive city, I spent 2-3 hours at Minoru park looking for people who were running, jumping, whatnot. :/

Never again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

T1B5 - Self Timer

It's difficult to do this assignment, just because I dislike taking pictures of myself.

For me, it feels awkward.

Even more in a public area, and if people can see me. That's why most of my pictures are taken in places where barely anyone would walk by when class is in session, excluding photography students.

I'm glad it's done now, time to move on.

Move on to the park. I think I'll do it tomorrow or on Monday, since I'm quite busy on Saturday and Sunday.

T1B4 - Flash.

Generally I have an inhumane hate for flash, mainly because it ruins more shots then it makes them better.

The sharp lighting that only hits the places closest to the camera, and forgets the rest is blinding. The ruins the beauty of a shot through it's sudden unbalanced exposure.

Though for indoors, flash is usually a necessity for me because my camera doesn't have high ISO settings to be able to detect light in dim places. Thus, flash becomes useful.

Though 9/10 times there's a person in the shot, he/she will have red eyes. Very annoying.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The change from medium to high is barely noticeable. The only difference is that it seems tilted down (if the object is below).
Sometimes I didn't shoot one object, but a wall with lots of objects at the different levels so each picture may not seem to be linked, but they are.

I think I may have a bit too many for each. But overkill is always better than underkill.