Saturday, November 1, 2008

Term 1: Blog 58

Weeh. The weekends goes by so fast. Though mine isn't done yet. I woke up at about 11 pm so I had already slept through half of my day. Pretty sad hm?

Well, I spent my time from 12-4 doing some homework, and doing things on the computer. But at 5, I had to go to drawing class. Drawing class is fun, but I just hate myself there. Why? Because my teacher always tells me I draw nice, but very slow. Which IS true....but not just for drawing. I'm slow at everything. Seriously, I need a speed pill or something.

I have just gotten back from watching ANOTHER movie at Silver City. The place where I went for Watermania yesterday. This time we watched...Beverly Hills Chuhaihai. It's a pretty good film, but lacks cliffhangers and suspense. =\ the whole plot of the story is this. A Chuhaihai from Beverly Hills gets dognapped and is forced to find her [Yes the main characters a female] way back from Mexico to Beverly Hills.

There is an awesome somewhat plot twist. So it's worth watching. But now I'm extremly tired, so I'll end it here.

Movie watcher,

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