Sunday, November 30, 2008

Term 2: Blog 10

Well. Today wasn't SOOO bad. Though I have procrastinated the whole day. But, it's not my fault! I swear!....Meh, you got me. I WAS procrastinated by my own will. But my internet was down for about half the day, and when my internet is down...I get...well...really...really...uh...un..happy.

Well...other than me procrastinating, today's is nothign different that other days. So like yeah.


Term 2: Blog9

Weeh. Today was a boring old Saturday. Same. Boring. Saturday. Oh right, did I mention, that, my leg was in a complete spasm during the entire day? It was hurting like crazy. I thought I had cancer or something. Well, thats because I'm supersitious. I think everything in a pissimistic way. Well, you just learned something about me. Congratualtions.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Term 2: Blog 8

LOLOLOLOLOL. I have highjacked Jimmy's computer, and it's hella fun to watch him stand on the side spazzing his ass off. :DDDD

Well, today was a boring day. Like usually, everthing went by quite smoothly. Though I didn't like it one bit. So I'll end today's blog

Laughing like a FREAKING MONKEY!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Term 2: Blog 7

Wahoo. I feels so great, having the same amount of blogs as my friends. I just hope that it stayslike that for a long time.

So yeah, the day abnormaly un-totally mind blowing boring. Instead it was pretty fine. Other than the usually Mr.Hurst's yelling, andour new French Sub's corrections. Band was pretty normal. I guess I made a goodfirstimpression for 2nd term. But still, probably not an A.

So than French wasn't so bad either. Our sub was much better than our last one, so itranks him pretty high by my standards. Though I'd prefer him to correct us much less often.

So than lunch passed by. I spen the time, eating lunch while playing chess in the chess room. Kinda fun, I learned a little more 'bout chess. Lots more to go though.

And than, we spent the rest of the day, in the Grade 8 indoor track meet. I must say, this is the most fun, I've had at a "Track meet" in my entire life. Probably the funnest thing thats happened so far this year. Hands down, we have a winner.

Even though Black came in second and somehow Gold didn't get disqualified for about 3 rounds where they came first, and STILL managed to get 114 points, totally dominating us by 30 points. Ithink the judges are baised. 'Cuz on the last relay. Gold cheated. =\

Ish wanting to play,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Term 2: Blog 6

Hehehe, who knew it was term 2 for blogging anyways? D:

Meh, I guess I didn't hear that it was term 2 blogging now. But this is supposivly my 6th blog. So uh...yeah.

Well, today wasn't that bad. But still doesn't qualify as a "good" day. Well, English wasn't a good way to start off a day, expecially when we have a test too. And than Socials with the head hurting Current events and Rome/Carthage history too...And than lunch...I had no spoon, and the ones at the Cafe were too weak to dig through cold rice. =\And than AS, when I (Plus Alex) get sent to the hall. Just great, absolutly great. And than we get our science test back. And I just know mine was an uber fail. So overall, today was not bad, but crappy.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Term 1: Blog 82!!! (Edit: Term 2: Blog 5)

Yay. Only 3 more blogs 'til Term 2.

And so heres another failed attempt at a short blog.

Today started out with me waking up extremly early, logging on to Basilmarket and looking at a certian thread. The thread linked me to this song. And soon, I was addictied. Now I just have a sudden urge to buy an iTunes card and download the album. So yeah.Band was boring, and so was French. Math and PE wasn't much different. Because for basically the entire PE period, we sat on 3 benchs, and signed up for different events in the grade 8 indoor track meet on Thursday. I ended up with Ballon Bat, Tug-Of-War (With Jack), Equipment Relay and PG Ball Blow. So yeah, I basically have the highest amount.

Thursday's going to be a pain.

Meh, forgot, this IS term 2 blogs. Number 5.

Inside a Saltwater Room,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Term 1: Blog 81

And the countdown begins! Only 4 more blogs left to go 'til term 2. Can't wait.

Meh, the self Eval was just a screw up. I completly forgot about it. Well, that is, intil you told us. Today will be a different experience in blogging for me. Today I shall try out the infamous short form blogs.

And here goes nothing...

Well so my dad was alright. English was that sore thumb, that stuck out from all the rest. But, it wasn't really a "sore" thumb. More like a "boring" thumb. Socials was a fun time. Thats because Yuchen was presenting his Current Evets. And whenever he talks out loud for a class, he uses his "accent" and it sounds...very, very, funny. So funny I could laugh at it all day long. AS was canceled for a Sex/drug Ed. program. Nothing new. Though it was really hard to here them talking.'s science time. The entire period was based on taking notes (in a sense). So it wasn't too fun.

I wish to complete the following...
- My science homework
- Take more notes on Autism
- Memorize my french skit 20x better
- Download a full version of Sony Vegas without paying. :D

So yeah, I guess it was a failed attempt, but it's the thought that counts! :DDD

Signing off

Term 1: Self Evaluation

"This is how you do a self eval. Think about what we have done in the entire term, not just the last few days. Be Honest. Choose the descriptor that best sounds like you, eliminate all of the others. Answer the Knowledge, skills and attitudes questions. Convert it all to a percentage. Report this to the teacher."


Z. I have no unexcused absences and I am never late for class. I BRING ALL THE MATERIALS I NEED, I am prepared.


Z. I come to class well prepared and actively work for the whole period. I give 90-100% effort.


U. I am a good worker most of the time, but sometimes I could try harder.


U. I have learned or improved a couple of skills this term.


U. I can solve problems presented to me but I am content with one correct solution.


Z. I communicate my ideas extremely well using innovative ideas. I always use English in the classroom.

7. Go

U. I have done most of the work, and use some of the habits.


Z. I work extremely well on individual tasks, needing little guidance to produce high quality work.


U. I am usually doing what I am supposed to, finish my work on time and cause no disruptions in class.

10. Website

U. My website is up to date and well organized.


'Give examples of the knowledge you have gained throughout this year. Knowledge is information you can comprehend."

-Learned to use Sketch up
- Learned to draw in Oblique, Orthographic, Etc.
-Learned about the sensation, brain power, sight and strength of the body

Give examples of the new skills you have developed in this year. Skills are the things that you can do, that you could not do before."

-Drawing in Oblique Orothgrpraphic, etc.
-Take cornell notes

Describe your attitude towards learning this year. Attitude is the way you feel and think towards something or someone."

It hasn't really been a "year" yet. But, my feelings throughout the school term, made me think that certian people in the class, were jerks. Therefore, my brain kept telling me that putting up with them, wasn't worth the knowledge I've gained, making it hard to focus. But, during the end of the school term, I slowly erased that thought, and replaced it with something a bit nicer. So now it is completly different. Now, I can actually strike a conversation with them, and focus on my work at the same time.

Calculating percentage, please tally up a score based on the choices you made on page one.
For each K score yourself 0
For each W score yourself 3
For each G score yourself 5
For each U score yourself 7
For each Z score yourself 9

Add up your score. Please provide a total out of 100, if you feel that you have done better than the description provided, please provide the pertinent evidence.'

My score...
1. Z - 9
2. Z - 9
3. U - 7
4. U - 7
5. U - 7
6. Z - 9
7. U - 7
8. Z - 9
9. U - 7
10. U - 7
Total = 78 Out of a possible 90.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Term 1: Blog 80

I guess I have around...5 or so more blogs, before the title becomes "Term 2:". Not very long I guess. Gah. I've spent all day procrastinating, so I could do my homework on the computer. But nooo. When it's all done reformatting, I have to go and reinstall everything now. Bah, life sucks. I guess I better start on that Science fair update.
Ta ta for now!

Lovin' Firefox,

Term 1: Blog 79

Meh. Time to make up a blog. =\

Well, I've been off my computer for about 2 days now. It's because it caught a virus the other day, and my dad had to completely reformat and reinstall my computer. It wasn't very fun, sitting in my chair, listening to music while reading a book that isn't very interesting. I'm serious, it's a complete bore. I can produce about 500 people who share that same emotion. And produce even more over time.

And yeah. So Saturday was overall a boring day. Ignore the fact that I was absent from home from 7pm-11pm. That's not important. ;P

Signing off,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Term 1: Blog 78

Oh great. Teh platypus King is feeling depressed today. He doesn't even feel like talking. He was energitic for about 1 hour. Than that feeling basically died.

Well, today the Platypus king did nothing put stay at home and be a lazy punk ass. Probably the only realistic thing he did was do some math homework. And maybe play on the computer. Other than that, he slept. This day completly sucked. And there is nothing in the world that can change that fact....

Other than teh fact that I did close to no work at all.

Kevintien Teh Noob,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Term 1: Blog 77

Whoot! It's blog 77! Double lucky number! Huzzah! :D Time to party mah pants out!

But sadly, blog 77 isn't lucky for Teh Platypus King. It's was more like blog 66. Double Devils number. So...we started the day fine, with the brain exploding powers of English. And due to the fact that I skipped 40-50 minutes of class last time, I was a little behind schedule. Though I don't have one. So yeah.

And than...we were teleported from English class, all the way to Socials in a blink of an eye! Or maybe even faster! Gee, Ms.Greskiw sure hates us [Aka: ME]. So yeah, my fugly Pictorial map was due today, and to stall for time, we forced Ms.Wagner to give us around 20 minutes to finish up. And with that done...I had to talk about iPods! [And if you've been living under a rock for the past 10 years, than this is what an iPod would look like. Click Here].

Before Kevin continues this blog, he would like to announce that he will type in Third person now. Because Third person is all more mysterious and more cool. And maybe even give you a break from all this "Happy writing" which to him...sounds more like "Hippy writing".

So and from thereforth, it was lunch. So Kevin and his pals went striaght BACK to Ms.Greskiw's class to bug her brains out for booktests. Today, Kevin risked his neck again! But this time he didn't not do 1 booktest, nor 2, but 3. Thats a school record! Thats because Ms.Greskiw is a cranky old lady that whips us if we do more than two at a time. So Kevin risked more than just his neck, he risked him gettin' the good old rip too.

We now find our Protagonist Kevin, carefully and secretly stalking Jian Vern and Sean to the Library...little do they know th- oh wait. They know. Pfft, spoilers. So...Kevin begins to stalk into the library, but it caught having to push the black stick thing. If he pushes it, his position is ruined, but if he doesn't....than his mission ends with a 4 letter word, starts with F the second letters a vowel, and isn't very nice. Oh! The screen goes blank! And we than find our hero, stranded in a sea of useless information that just gets pushed out of his cramped brain! How amusing!

And than...the dreaded science test awaits our young hero, as he boldly rushes to Science, and without studying a little more, falls asleep on the desk. But, he is awaken by the sounds of paper, and he awakes to see his arch nemesis. The dreaded Test. It's infamous around the world, responsible for people going mentally retarded. And what does our hero do? He yawns and goes back to sleep. But minutes later, he is now forced to deal with this ugly science test creature. And theres the first blow! Kevin slams the paper on the desk, and begins to beat it to a pulp! Oh! And after a row of beautiful planned strikes, the test finally falls down into Help blue basket. Responsible for checking to see if the test is done for.

And than our hero slowly walks towards Badminton class, as his sidekick pals have been caught playing Basketball.

Teh Platypus King,

Term 1: Blog 76

Le Gasp. the all powerful Wednesday has been cut into something less important, similar to the all weakful Friday. [Yes I know, weakful aint a word. Nor is "Aint"]

So the amazing powers of the Flute enchanted me so much that I'd actually practiced it for more than 5 boring tasteless minutes. So yeah, it kind paid off. But not in the long run. Wait a minute, I'm not running! I'm sitting on my ass, being a lazy bum. How awesomely fun is that? :D

And than, we headed off to francias class. And therefore, we were heading to the French Hell. More commonly known as France's Graveyards. Or as i like to call it. Something, not so pleasureful. And for some reason, everyone in the class had the same thought that our Skit was due today. But it wasn't, it's due, Next Thursday.

And than lunch wasn't so appealing. We sat in the Chessroom, hoping with all our might that Rene might decide to go make new friends. But sadly, I guess our "mental might" wasn't strong enough, because he came in casually, holding his Strawberry milk tea. Which secretly, tastes nothing like a strawberry. It tastes something more like...mutated vomit. =\

So we ended up with our butts in Math class. Thank god for us, that Ms.Kobbi wasn't here today. Or else Brandon wouldn't shut up. Ever. So yeah, Math class wized by in a flash. But it was a very long 60 minute flash.

And than I had to be a loner and go the PE all by my merry old self. I felt so lonely. But it did feel better than walking with Rene. [Exaggerate on the BETTER THAN]. And because it was a short pleasantful day, we only had to do 1 exercise lap instead of the usual 3 laps. So I went full blast for the first 1/2 a lap. Than went on power save mode for the rest.

So yeah, my day really did "Flash" [Art!] by. Not in the 1 nano second flash, but more like the 10000000000000000000 second one.

Teh Platypus King,

Term 1: BLog 75

ARGHING BLASTED HELL. I hate life. Don't you?

Well, today was the usually day 2 life. Which involves me running around the school, and basically frying my brains out with the enormous amount of thinking.

So yeah. We started the day out with a head killing AMC Math contest. SoI got to ditch English for a while. But it wasn't worth it. 2-3 mind boggling math questions with 10 minutes to solve them isn't as fun as you would think. Actually, its as 'bout the worse thing that could possibly happen. Well enough of me ranting, lets move this blog on.

And so...after some crazy Math crap, we move on the the relaxing Socials! I think...and hope. But unluckily for moi, we had to use this period to finish our pictorial map! And what a annoying period it was. Full of coloring, bashing, and losing mu sanity. How awesome.

And lunch was the hell or all hells.Thats right. It was hell in hell. Thats because I had to risk my neck and write 2 booktests fully knowing that I'd probably fail them both. But I had to, so I showed a little bravery and killed half of my lunch break for it.

Than it's the insanly insane Applied Skills homework/project. To me, this project is about 100000000x times harder than any hard project I've ever tried to work on [Includes failed ones too]. I hope my brain doesn't blow up because of memory overload because of this...

And than finally, it's Science. The philosophy of Day 2 in Churchill tells me that we're going to go to visit the room of towering mythical books! Or more commonly know as...the library! :D Well, maybe not THAT mythical, but pretty mythical because we had the all powerful computer at our side.

So yeah, there ends my unusually cheerful sided rant about life!

Teh Platypus King,

Monday, November 17, 2008

Term 1: Blog 74

Yays. It's finally school time. How long I've waited for this moment. /end sarcasm.

Well, today was a great school day, full of unfunness, sarcasm, tired mouthes, homework, yelling and more sarcasm. Yelling because in band, Mr.Hurst was yelling at lots of people [Including meh, I made a small mistake]. It's not something you'd like to see happen. You rather like to see him NOT yell and NOT smile either. Because when he smiles, it's not an "OMG I'M SO HAPPY" kind of smile, its like a way for him to calm down. Not a good sign.

Sarcasm and more sarcasm, because I use it daily. It's also very fun [To me]. I thank Mr.Adamo [Grade 4 teacher] for teaching me the word, "sarcasm". :D

Well, French wasn't as crappy as it would've been. It was worse. Well whats worse than a teacher that seems like shes flirting with her students? A teacher than flirts with her students, AND notices everything and the exact time, and complains about everything imaginable. Thats how our French sub was.

And than Math was even worse. I got yelled at because I forgot to get Ms.Greskiw to sign my AMC math contest form, and since the tests tomorrow....i'm pretty screwed. =.=

And than theres...PE. We didn't have to do warm-up runs because we put away the soccer nets. easy stuff, except for the fact that there was feces all over the ground near my net. =.=

So like yeah. Day over, no fun. No pain either. I guess it went smoothly enough.

Chillin' Out After School,

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Term 1: Blog 73

Ahhh. I love the weekends, but I hate Sundays. You know why? Because it means that school starts tomorrow. And school isn't fun. You don't know how badly I don't want to do the A minor cronmatic scale tomorrow for band. I'd give anything to skip it.

But too bad that life isn't perfect, life throws eyes at you, and sometimes...they land in the eyes. blinding you, causing you to do weird things, which causes mistakes. And where do miracles come from? Mircales come when you take those lemons that life gave you, and turn it into grape juice. Because than the world will marvle at how you did it. :D

Eatin' Lemons,

"I believe in looking reality straight in the eye, and denying it."

Term 1: Blog 72

Meh. Today was the average lets sleep til you drop day. Well, technicly, your already "Dropped" since your sleeping. But you get the point. I hope.

Well...Since it was a saturday, and the only thing I do on Saturday's is mainly sleep...I slept in til 11. I decided to get my butt outa bed at 11:30 but at that time, for some strange reason, no one was awkae yet. So I put on my clothes (took like 2 minutes) go down stairs, and there are my parents, dressed and making breakfast. Though 2 minutes ago, they were in thier rooms, snoring. What are they smoking? @-@


Friday, November 14, 2008

Term 1: Blog 71

Gawd. Life certianly sucks at some point. I guess today was one of those..."Suckage" days.

To start it all off, I get a freaking 15.5/25 on an English test. And a 3/5 on a homework assignment. Just great. I might as well just FAIL English right now. =.= I need a miracle to pull of a 80% average for this term....=.=

And than it's Socials, I get nailed by the geo workbook that I've never bothered to really study...unless theres a test. I know like almost nothing 'bout contours...boy am I screwed....=.=

And than AS. The video on sensation finally ended. [Thank god!] But the presentation did not. So like yeah, I'm really going to be late night cramming, even though it's not good for you. =.=

And than it was lunch. I rushed to Ms. Greskiws class, hoping to be the first one there for a book test. But no, I'm 100th. It seemed that EVERYONE who goes to her clss was there. All waiting to write a book test. Since this being teh seconmd last day to write one, I crammed in as many tests as I could. I'm aiming to get 5. But...I don't think thats possible right now. Since I hae no motivation to read 2 more books. =\

And than finally, it's Science. Another nail here, I got 15.5/21 on a science thing because I forgot to attach the Check Your understanding sheet. How stupid. >.> I hope I can even get a B in science and English anymore....=.=

Sigh, And I can't o my socials project either, since i have a FREAKING DENTIST APPIONTMENT. I wish my dentist told me when my appointments would be....1 week earlier.

Nailed to a wall,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Term 1: Blog 70

Uh well...Today started out pretty good...intil like 10 minutes after it started....=.=

So like yeah. We had band today. And as Andrew ALWAYS is, he forgets he's Sax, and gets a good scowlding by Mr.Hurst. And than....when we were told to play a D flat...I got yelled at. I did play a D flat. But his ears are broken or something. =.=

And than it was FRENCH time. We did our memorized skit. I memorized, Darren memorized it [Last minute though], all went well. Intil I found a 24.99 price tag, and decided to stick it on someone as a joke. =P

Lunch was...boring. At lunch in the chess room. Played chess, got completly dominated. Meh, I need to think more. Proactive chess play! 8D

And than it's math. The math test was surprisingly easy. wasn't a surprise. But oh well. :3

And finally PE. We had to run the normal 3 laps today. But for some reason....I was running faster than I'm suppose to....o-o I r got adreneline! :DDDDD

Meh, quick blog. Needa sleep.

Sleep Deprived,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Term 1: Blog 69

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!! PIRATES ARE OUT IN THE MMORPG I PLAY. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. MUST....SHOOT....SNAILS! >:O

Well, life has gotten boring. With English first period, and a new agenda sized textbook, things are looking pretty slim. And since the stories are short, it's going to mean more homework. And less time spent playing before the pracrastinating begins. =.='s Socials. I drew a picture of a Dragon's head at home. But when I tried to transfer it to the pictorial map I am making with Sean...well...lets just say it didn't turn out really nice. =/ So I'm going to draw it some other time....

Lunch! Hurray for leftovers! the only time I'll ever get to buy lunch is when my math class somehow ends at 9:15 or later. But than I wouldn't have dinner. Sucks for me.

So like it's AS now. Brandon, Allen and I went through the secret entrance/exit to the classroom. It left so cool, but Brandon almost tripped down the stairs. xD But the Pushing the Human Bodies thing is scary! The gruesome pictures make my stomoche inside out. Which apparantly is a good thing. o-O

And finally, it's Science. I found out that half of my classmates coloured thier Foldable assignment. So I was really scared that I'd get marks off for not colouring or fine lining. Though my friends tell me we weren't suppose to colour. I don't know who to trust....DD:

And now it's time for me to finish all~ my homework and start tryin' out Pirates. I really want to shoot snails! :DDDDDDD

Shootin' Snails,

Term 1: Blog 68

Gah. I was too busy on Tuesday to type this out. >.< Now I feel all guilty. =/ Freaking butterflies.

Well, Rememberance day wasn't so good. My parents wouldn't shut up during 11:11. Though they were talking about shutting up on 11:11 during 11:11. Ironic eh?

Well I was online, and this guy I meet was too lazy to type "iRemember" or even "Remember" so me called me Remmy. How nice. Now I have a nickname. Gotta go tell Kim...=.=

Well I've gotta go do my science. Buh Bye,

Public Procrastinator Number 1,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Term 1: Blog 67

Oh gee. It's Monday. Which means Rememberance day ceremony. Which also means, that I don't have to bring my flute to Band, and that I skip basically all of Band. =P

So it's block C. Aka, first block. In which is the Rememberance Day ceremony. Meh, it seemed very short. In my world, is seemed to last on 10 minutes. I don't know how the heck it lasted about 45-60 minutes. Time just flys by so fast....=/

And than it's French. Eh, we did a skit today, and we're suppose to have it memorized to present on Thrusday. I don't think I'll be able to memorize my lines by Thursday...I guess that means cram time. DDDDDD:

And than it's lunch! I ate lunch in my emo corner, with Brandon, Rene and Allen as usual. It seems that I'm getting on better terms with them. But i guess I should go to teh Cafe sometimes....=/

And than Math comes in. Since I registered for the AMC math contest, I have to do a few test from previous years to practice. I'm going to procrastinate on that....=.= Though William is going to eat us all. Om nom nom nom.

And finally PE. I wish I wore jeans today, so I could skip PE. Because we had to run non-stop for 10 minutes, or less we had to run even more. just great. =.=

Sleepy time! Tomorrow I'm going to go online, and start shouting "OMG REMEMBERANCE DAY" to my pals. Well, have a nice break! :D


Term 1: Blog 66

Meh. The end of the week. A saturday. How enjoyable. A week pasts so darn fast. It's like ZOOM. And than it's back to slaving on homework.

I did a little more homework. And played a little more. And I finally started drawing the dragon head picture for Socials. Though shading sucks. =/ Meh, I guess I'll finish it...someday...


Term 1: Blog 65

Ahh. Saturdayness. How relaxing. But how boring as well. Well, it should be boring, since it is relaxing, and relaxing is not suppose to be insanly fun. It's suppose to be insanly boring.

So well yeah. The only thing I'll ever do on the weekends, sleep and do my homework. Nothing big. But my mom did set up the Chirstmas tree today. I told her it was too early...but noooo. She doesn't listen. =.=

Friday, November 7, 2008

Term 1: Blog 64


So like, we had the second basketball tryouts, and I felt all nervous. Because for me, it was probably my last chance. And sadly...I didn't really get to play. I got play one game, out of 5. that really sucks. Just because greedy people just wouldn't get thier butts off the friggin' court. =.=

And than theres English right after. I don't think my brain works after waking up at 6 in the morning. But whatever, I somehow managed to live through my test, but I bet anything, that I'll lose all my marks on the paragraph. =.=

And than it's Socials. Socials would be a better class if it was ALWAYS last block. Because it's almost like a free block...well, with Ms.Wagner teaching. :3 And I decided to join with Sean for the map project. =\

And than it's... Applied Skills, why is it that everytime I come early a bit, the doors always locked on me? D: And it was a strange wonder how Mary got here, without her crutches, which someone took...o-o The seat change is unfair, Yuchen's taller than me and so is Wayne, but thier still in front of me! I demand a refund! >:O

And THAN we have lunch. This time I ate my lunch in the chessroom, accompienied by Brandon, Rene and Allen. Though Allen was being really annoying during lunch.

And's finally Science. We did a "group" project with the rest of our row, which in my case, sucked. For one thing, everyone in my group was a girl that shuns boys. Just wow. Other than Sharon. And 'cause of Sean, they kept on teasing me with a word. REALLY annoying. And than they start ignoring me. So getting fussed up, I go walk around. And when I come back, they said that they weren't ignoring me. And if I don't do anything, they'll erase my name from the sheet. I was furious. I felt like I was going to kick them all in the face. So....naturally, I helped. But they wouldn't accept my answer after they solved it themselves. How annoying. =.=

And now I'm really annoyed. So yeah.

Holdin' Grudges,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Term 1: Blog 63

.........Sigh. Waking up at 6am just to tryout for a team that I can't get into, isn't really motivating. Yes I know. I'm thinking negetivly. But thats how I am. =\ I r pestimistic.

Well Band first thing in the morning after a basketball warmup wasn't so fun. Mr.Hurst shouting his lungs out isn't fun either. So yeah. My morning was completly filled with Mr.Hurst shouting at everyone for random reasons. Though I think my classmates are just stupid or something.

And than it's French. Meh, I don't dislike French or anything so I was fine with it in the morning. Unlike some people who were just insane 'bout it. Ms.Chuaqui lectured us about us being off in dreamworld, and we should pay attention. The problem is, we are. But it's just that how she talks and stuff, makes us fear her, resulting in us being in "Dreamland".

And heres lunch! I didn't sit at my locker this time. But it was a big waste of time to walk all the way to the Cafe, than walk back. Next time I'll just stay at my locker. Or the chessroom.

And than it's Math. Brandon [being in both my French and Math class] said that we have two crazy teachers in a row. One is Ms.Chuaqui and the other is Ms.Kobbi. I wouldn't say that, I'd say that I have a crazy band teacher. Not two crazy female teachers. o-o

And finally PE. Today was life saving. I didn't have to run the warm up laps, because we did a warm-up basketball drillish thing. I wish we do that everytime. But I know we can't. =\

So like yeah, gotta sleep early for 6am wake up.

Sleepin' Early,

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Term 1: Blog 62

Ahhhh! I was practicing basketball with Sean and Yuchen today! And I came home all wet, and very....very...tired. =\

So school started at 10pm today, which was pretty cool. But due to the fact that we were locked out of Applied Skills for the first 15 minutes, it was pretty bad. But Jian Vern and Brandon were in there! How'd they get in...I smell cheaters. =\

So than we have science. Our marks have been updated, and they don't look very good. Most of the class' marks have dropped. My went form a 83% down to a 76%. Meh, science never was my favourite subject. =\

And than it's English. We had to do a group presentation on U is a part of Us. But for some reason, our group didn't have to go up. Which is pretty fine with me.

And finally, Socials. For socials, we wen't down to the libaray to do some research. Nothing fun.

Yes, my blog is extremly short today. Because I don't have much time. And I'm really tired.

So yeah, bye.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Term 1: Blog 61

Sigh... Tomorrow's finally a collaberative day. Which means I get to sleep in. Go me! :D But sadly I want to go to the Basketball tryouts on Thursday, which is at 7 am. So I'd have to wake up at 6. would balance out. =P

So...we had Math today. But not anymore starting from Thursday. 'Cause thats block rotation day! Not that it's fun...because I'll have English first thing. =.= And Science last period. Just great. Well, we started talking about dividing Rational numbers. Which I already know. Why can't I skip to grade 9?! D: And I even forgot to register for the online math program thing again...=.= Well, to look on the bright side, I registered for a AMC math test. Not that I'm going to get a good mark on that, but whatever.

So than it's off to PE! During the whole day, I felt like my stomache was gong to explode. But somehow I still managed to run the 3 laps, even though my stomach was dying during it. Not something I want to do again.

And than we have....lunch. I found out Jian Vern's and Sean's locker combos during lunch. But I forgot them during Band. Bleh.

And heres band! We had to play the chronomatic scale on B flat. Not hard. But not fun either. We learned a new piece. It's Ode to joy. Very easy stuff. Meh, bands too easy compared to violin.

And finally, French. I dislike french is many ways. One reason is that Ms.Chuaqui always picks on someone for the entire class, than switches next class. But usually they're always the same people. And I'm one of them. Just because Brendon, keeps asking me for the time. =\

Oh well, homework time.

Homework hater,

Monday, November 3, 2008

Term 1: Blog 60 today was the first day that the new secruitary my mom hired came to work. It's very weird being on the other computer. The the computer I'm currently working on is very...VERY slow, and the keyboard is insanly sticky. I can't freaking press down the shift button without slamming the keyboard. And the internet is uber fail here. Ugh, even the tabs functino is uber slow. =/

Well, on with my day. I thought the test was on I was really screwed when you told us the test was today. I can't believe I actually finished the test. Though I bet I screwed up on the 2 point persepective again. I fail at that. Like literally. My clock didn't look so good. If I had more time, I'd give it a wall for a back ground, and make another circle infront of the clock to make it look like glass. But too bad I didn't. =/

At science, we got a seat change. It was a horrible change for me, from beside my freinds, to beside the emptyness of the back, and a girl who shuns me. Talk about your cold shoulders. We did some note taking and had this lab to do at the end. I was almost done my lab, but I need to finish writing some notes and things about the Bacteria and something else. Oh well, everything's in mah textbook. <3 Testbook.

And than we had lunch. Nothing very interesting there. Other than Sean fooling Gordon that he didn't have his cards when he did. Poor Gordon, He got lied too. =/ And Cory and Aaron now know the reason why I dislike Eva. Though she thinks of me as a brother. -shivers-

And than we have English. We had a little quiz on the symbols we presented last class. Not too hard, since it was an open book test, thought some people [Cough Jian Cough] got 16 and below. Don't know how. What was REALLY surprising was when I got called down to the office. I thought I was in trouble, because last year I got called to the office because the teacher thought I was feeling too much pressure, and therefore being very depressed in class. It turned out that it was about my address, and they got the address wrong. It was 202, not 2. So yeah. English class done.

And finally socials. Nothing new, we basically had the whole class think and discussing on our Ancient pictorial map. I'm going to do a map based on a game I play. Though of course I'll change it a lot. Can't have plagerizim right?

Well this keyboard is getting on my nerves, so I'll end it here.

Ta ta!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Term 1: Blog 59

Ayayayaya. It's so late, and my mom like literally stabbing me with little sharp things to go to bed. So this one will be very short.

Nothing actually happened, other than me waking up and going shopping for a bit. This weekend pasted so fast...I didn't even find time to do any homework, other than a little french. =.= So well, yeah. I better start preparing for the AS test soon, or I'll be screwed over big time...

Sleepin' Time,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Term 1: Blog 58

Weeh. The weekends goes by so fast. Though mine isn't done yet. I woke up at about 11 pm so I had already slept through half of my day. Pretty sad hm?

Well, I spent my time from 12-4 doing some homework, and doing things on the computer. But at 5, I had to go to drawing class. Drawing class is fun, but I just hate myself there. Why? Because my teacher always tells me I draw nice, but very slow. Which IS true....but not just for drawing. I'm slow at everything. Seriously, I need a speed pill or something.

I have just gotten back from watching ANOTHER movie at Silver City. The place where I went for Watermania yesterday. This time we watched...Beverly Hills Chuhaihai. It's a pretty good film, but lacks cliffhangers and suspense. =\ the whole plot of the story is this. A Chuhaihai from Beverly Hills gets dognapped and is forced to find her [Yes the main characters a female] way back from Mexico to Beverly Hills.

There is an awesome somewhat plot twist. So it's worth watching. But now I'm extremly tired, so I'll end it here.

Movie watcher,

Term 1: Blog 57

Lalala. I guess Today wasn't so bad. We went on our Watermania trip today, was...really fun. But lets not go into detail on that. I wouldn't want to anyways. =P

So we came back from Watermania, it was only lunch. For a few minutes, I thought it was a Monday-Thursday, where block C is after lunch. So I'd thought I still had to do Band. Thats intil someone reminded me it was a Friday. Silly me. =\

In the Cafe, there was this...Halloween party thing. Pretty funny to watch. And I'd bet you anything, that it would be even more fun to be up there, talking/dancing or whatnot.

So yeah, now onto French. Ms.Chuaqui's throat must be good again, because she was on full throttle or something, ranting on and on about this and that. But we did get homework. A drawing + writing thing. Meh, I guess I'll live.

So yeah, it's really late...and I've gotta sleep. Oh and I did Trick-Or-Treat with some old pals. But I'm too tired to talk about it. :3

Teethless Vampire,