Friday, November 18, 2011

T1B15: Rule of 1/3rds

Rule of 1/3rds!

I feel like we're getting to the nitty-gritty, technically stuff now. The things I wanted to learn. Discovery method of learning is tiresome, I don't come to a class to be told to go explore. I want to learn HOW to explore, or guidelines to follow.

./too used to IB.

At least now I won't be considering dropping photography at the end of term1, and go do drop in IB Art (which only has 6 people... sad, I know) or IB Bio (which apparently the teacher isn't very good at teaching).

especially exchanging messages with the SY8. They're fun people. : )

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

T1B14: Composure

So there was a lesson today.
Sadly it took about an hour, and the class is maybe some 75 ish minutes.
15 minutes to take photos...on a rainy day? I'll pass.

But geez, I never thought I would be ever doing another self evaluation with the 'knowledge' and 'learning' again!
I wonder if I can just pull out TOK notes on the knowledge thing, and then debate that none of us has any 'knowledge'. We have 'information' but not knowledge.
I hope that works.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

T1B13: Waldo

Where's Waldo?

Hidden somewhere on this page!
(I lied, I can't be bothered to put a little waldo on the page... maybe some other time.)

Hiding waldo, yet keeping him visible is quite... fun.

I can either take a picture with low zoom, and put him somewhere not obvious, or take a picture of Waldo hiding, but zoomed right up to him and his hiding spot.

It's kinda fun, only that the tape sucks and kills waldo's colour quite a lot. : <

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

T1B12: War Photographer

I was not there for the entire length of the film, but I got the basic gist of it.

I had expected this Photographer to go with the soldiers, and photograph the fighting as well as the tragedies caused by wars. In my head, I had already associated him with Ed Ou (a graduate from Churchill and is now a well-known photojournalist). Dr. Gabbott showed my TOK class his website:

On there there are some shots of war actually going on. With guns a'blazing, as one might say.

The war photography thing, was not the kind I expected. It was more of a photography that mainly photographs the consequences of war.

I realize I only saw about half of the film, and thus not all of the photos were seen, but it should be the gist.

I'm impressed with the dedication some people have to go into war-torn and still waging war countries. It's something I could not do.