Friday, April 16, 2010


About the blog-over thingy, is it suppose to be today or something?

Because I really have no clue. And the fact that I can't eat/drink anything for 30minute+ is painful.

Comments on this "blog-over" thing.
1. It's stupid. Trading spots for one day wasn't a good idea to begin with. If the person has appointments, games, and meetings, it wouldn't really be "trading spots" would it. And if the point of switching places is to understand what they feel like, maybe you should just spend a day with them. Because if their parents are mean to you, and you're not their child, you'd most likely have a bad impression on them.

2. Actually, I have no 2. But I think 1 is good enough.

In conclusion, this "blog-over" is stupid and should never be repeated ever again in order to prevent the possible chance of going crazy over something so stupid.


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