Thursday, October 23, 2008

Term 1: Blog 49

Lololololololololololololoololololololololol. Yuchen thinks havinghte keyboard on the ground and typing, from it is weird. It's onyl weird if you can't spell properly on the computer! Or is you just suck at typing. But I've practiced typeing a lot. By "practicing" on MMORPG's. :D Lulz, Yuchen needs to play more darn games! I mean....:P

So...for applied skills, we're having a test next thursday. It's going to consist of 5-6 different drawings! I have no idea how I'm going to study for it...Oh crud, that was a reactive response. Maybe I'll alter it someday...OH and during applied skils, there was this really annoying screech, something like claws on a chalkboard. But only...way more painful, less loud, and way more painful. Even Yuchen was hiding from it! -Le gasp-

Geez, it's time for Science! For some wierd reason, I actually wanted to go to science. Mainly because I wanted to see how my gummy bear has inflated. :3 It was huge. I could barley see it, since my gummy bear was originally clear, it was almost like water. And when sean poked it, one arm fell off. And when he poked it again, another one fell of. Poor gummy bear! D:

Lunch was sort of fun. I was eating with William and Jimmy, and all they talk about is Mabinogi [A really hard MMORPG]. Mabinogi is fun, but it's really difficult, since it has the most advance battle system so far. It's very realistic, so you can block, and lots of other things. Way more complex than my Maplestory. But Maplestory is still more fun! :D

So than we had English. We presented the group projects out to the class, and surprisingly it was very easy for my group, since all we had was vocabulary. :D But we had a test today, which wasn't fun at all. We did get our mid-term progress reports for English, it seems I'm getting a B. Aka: Bad. Well the rest of the class is getting B's too, but theres still a lot of A's out there. Too bad I'm not one. When do we get our progress reports for Applied Skills? :D

And than it's socials. Just like English, we had a brief test in Socials too. Not as hard as the English ones, so it sailed by me. After we did the test, we spent the rest of the time playing a game. It's like team trivia. Two teams, two bells, and one question. And the team mates can't help! D:< Which sucks. I got my question wrong, while all my teammates got thiers right. I mean, who watches the Olympics these days? How would I know 'bout 2004 Olympics, I was 4th grade man, 4th grade!

Well now I have math class. Time for a heck load or boringness and brain numbness. Well, off I go!



1 comment:

Tasimer Symaster said...

oh have the best typing skillz in the world kevin...u even wrote "only" wrong...psh