Tuesday, January 4, 2011


why is it that
it's much easier to talk via the internet
then it is in real life?

Does the person really change all that much?
i wonder.

through the internet, i talk to people I never would have in real life situations.
not because they're strangers
or because the live too far away
but because of our society's way of grouping.

people form separate groups are not suppose to interact.
in school, that's easy to see.
on the internet, no one knows.
and don't even bring up trojans, hackers and such.
most people don't know.
and never will.

the internet is making real life awkward.
via it, i'm able to 'chat' to someone else for hours on end.
but bring that situation to real life.
and that conversation dies in minutes.

how fun.


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