Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Term 3: Blog 69

TEEHEE. 69! 8D -Pervert moment-

Haha! Life's been looking better now. More things to doo, less things worried about. I think I'll go do something I've wanted to do for a while now. But then again...

French, caught me by surprise when the skit became only one person, but even more when I was rudely reminded that I had unfinished french homework. It was panic time. Luckily for me, Ms.Chauqui doesn't check homework.

Banddddd.... was not as great. But French wasn't that great to begin with. So yeah. Lets not talk about how much i want to hurt some of my classmates. :)

Lunch was good, which makes life better, but not great. MISSION IS STILL A COMPLETELY FAILURE. D: Eating at Wayne's locker doesn't make it much better either. Maybe eating at Ben's would do it. 8D

Pe was 'kay. But Pears was taking too long, s omy group didn't get to practice batting, and boy do I need it. =\

MATHHHHHH is better. I'm going to rip my hair out because of my test. 41.5/42, mark deducted for not writing a sentence. BLEEEEEEEEP. That hurt.

Computer shutdown complete.

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