Friday, October 14, 2011

T1B7 - Macro.

I love macro.

But 40 is a bit too much (I think). I don't find everything that can be taken in macro, appealing. The appealing shots are quite few, thus having one take multiple shots of boring, bland things. Like the usual flowers, trees and plants.

Having a dSLR for macro is kinda harsh if one doesn't have a macro lens... Especially if your aperture only goes to 5.0 with room light, and 5.5 with dimmer light. Only outside do I get 3.5 (max), but when I do get 3.5, it's quite literally facing the sun and the light kills it.

I dislike having a bigger depth of field, having a smaller one, in my opinion, is much prettier, and gives a bigger sense of mystery. Especially when you can only barely make out a shape, and then start to guess what that shape was, giving the picture a store for itself.


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