Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have a question, how the heck is Vanessa on her 27/28 blog? Thats just like unthinkable! It's probably hasn't even been a good 3 weeks into 3rd term... I mean seriously, term 3 started a few days into march, and it's only the 24th of march so far so yeah. Can't explain how it's possible for her to be over that. Unless she reall is into blogging twice a day during springbreak, and seeing what she's been saying, it's pretty apprant she doesn't blog often...

^If the above is answered, the answerer will be look up upon by me. Though that isn't that much of a satisfactory idea 'ya know. D:

Today life was dull, walking home always has some interesting things going on here and there. I learned a bit about tennis. Well, actually I learned this bit a LONNNNNGGG time ago during grade 7 camp, where I tried tennis for the first time in ages. I've supposedly taken 4 tennis lessons way back in elementary school, but i don't quite remember it. Plus, our gym is wayyyyy too small to even fit one tennis match. x-x I do remember being told to run around with a racket while trying to balance a tennis ball on it. Pretty funny now that I think about it. : O

bleh. I still suck badly at tennis, though not as bad as I fail with Ping-pong, I do often hit the ball out on serves but normal rallies are fine, I can sustain 5-6 returns...probably. Damn is serving hard, it reminds me of when I was practicing smashing in Badminton, with the goddamn'd net being to the top of my head. Holy crap was that a hard time. D:

Sad face, enough rambling, time to do some work! -not a lie-
/lies. :D


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