Friday, October 2, 2009

T1B24 SB

It's an SB! Finally.

And today's topic will be....
Mylar X3's!
Click here for a picture.
Crossroad is a completely unknown company to most of the American population. It's a company in Singapore, and it got it's fame from it's first ear bud, the MylarOne, or MylarX1. It's sound was great for an unknown company, and the fact that it was probably 30 dollars. Then came Mylar 2, which dominated singapore, with it's improved bass beats and high notes. And finally, Mylar 3, the current dominating champion in the under 60 dollar ear bud section. Winning by a landslide, and can defeat even 200+ dollar ones. It's a wonder how they got such great quality into something so cheap and affordable! Too bad it the headphones aren't as great. D:!

Now to get some new headphones of my own, to match my ear buds...8D

-Rem, OUT!

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