Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Term 3: Blog 9

Ahaha. Going back between blog places is boring. :3 I luv profil3.

Gah. It's finally that time of year again. Yup, it's term 3, and term 3 is the most important term. Well, I think. Term 1 was the review of last year. Term 2 was the learn some new things. And Term 3 should be the review all we've learned plus learn more. Thats how I see things.

I fail at knitting. I fail so much I've even created a new word, Phailtastic.

School's okay I guess. Life isn't as joyful as it was before. I'm procrastinating harder then before as well. Gah it isn't look good. >-<"

Science is a bummer, I hated term 1 so bad, just because of the human body, i fail at that subject. This term I could've got a high B - Low A but Sci fair just has to EPIK PHAIL on me. Just phailtastic. Then top it all off, Pneumatics bring back the human body, frying my brain.

AS is okay, except I haven't really been doing my extensions...Heh...Heh...Heh. So I can't expect a good mark from there. Though vow of silence was the most fun I've had so far. French delayed = Good thing. :D

Socials is looking better. It could be better if Mr.Sale decides to do the 3D model, I'll ace it and bring my mark up to an A. But he probably won't. And my partners in crime won't help me either. ): At least I have a B there.

English...bleh. The last few not so important tests I blew up bad. But the final, big one I managed to pull off an A. Though it's pretty low. I'm hoping to pull and A off in Media. :)

At least course planning has allowed me to possibly, enjoy the non-MY classes next year. Well, actually enjoy only 1-2 classes. If Ms.Chuaqui's not my French teacher, I'll be glad. She hates me with a passion. Electronics 10 is something I want to do. Too bad we don't get 3 electives. I don't want to do PE. I rather do Math __, Electronics/Tech Info __, French __, and Business Education/Accounting __. Thats my dream schedule for non-MY classes. :)

-iRemembeh. :]

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