Saturday, February 26, 2011


tis been a while.
wordpress is more attractive than you google, just saying.
; )
even though they lag like crap
Even though I don't understand their BLOCKQUOTE codes.

even though I spend ages trying to find the little webpage picture thingy.
even though it's always double spaced.
even though i hate the posting format.
it's still better.

"You put up a smile, and you go for a ride.
You had a bad day, the camera don't lie,
How does it feel? One more time,
You had a bad day."

That's what I feel I'm seeing.
Or, hearing and listening too.
more seeing than the others.
Because I think vision is the best of the 5 sense.
Next is hearing, and then touch.
But in actually usefulness.
Touch, vision, hearing.
Then smell&taste.

Because taste isn't so useful. Unless you're a food/wine critic.

But in general, I would give up my sense of taste if I had to, i wouldn't be THAT bad.
I would be able to eat all that crap I hated before...

Though for the personal moral boost, something you enjoy eating/tasting is always the best choice.

./is not trying to recommend binge eating on anything you like...


B> more 10/15/20/30/90 day projects to keep my mind off homework, school and life.


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