Friday, October 15, 2010


Seems like this blog doesn't get much affection!
Time to show it some.

: )

Not to be one to complain, but is it just me, or is everyone around me unable to cope with changes in life?
Is EVERYONE 'Okonkwo'?
Maybe the only one would be Rene.
He lived.
He changed.
a bit.
But changed, nonetheless.

Hey, don't give me that. I'm not saying that they are social failures, or failures are life. I'm just saying...that I'm different.
Different from them.
Might be good.
Might be bad.
Depends how you see things.

I would like to think I have an open mind.
But I know, I know, that I am extremely biased.

I'm not judging these people.
I appreciate them.
And for a few, more than I should.

Eh, I'm quite... how do you describe this... deep thinking(?) today.
Oh well, that beats lunia grinding any day.

Heh, I guess i figured out why I'm such good friends with Rene.
Not much gets him down.

And also, ...I guess I'm sort of a drama queen myself.
I exaggerate everything without even knowing.
When actually
"Oh...test. Back to lunia."

I think it's peer pressure.
To fit in, and not to stick out like a sore thumb.
Maybe I should've done my Sci-fair on peer pressure after all.


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