Sunday, July 11, 2010


katherine (these notes are obliged by my mom. ._.)
-female. (DURR)
-15. Or is that 14. eh, who cares.
-shy? or just unused to surroundings.
- won't get used to surroundings in 3 weeks. (guess)
-likes chemistry.
-plans to work in pharmacy/be family doctor.(allen)
-apparently is really good at writing.
- likes to write poems
-apparently is able to express herself clearly? (vanessa)
hates main courses.
-by main courses, eg: rice, noodles, etc.
-prefers to eat things with low calories/fat (?)
-After first 2 hours of meeting her, she really likes to lie on the bed ._.
-whereisleep. deargod.
-wants to come to canada to take uni.
-has citizenship
-wants to learn english (?)
-probably likes books (: D)
-is fascinated by our back yard. or just wants fresh air (compared to beijing, canada is too pure)
-obviously smart. stupid chinese students. ._.
-finished textbooks of her grade, before school ends.
-looks at grade10 math txtbook like we're retarded. (we are.) [Not trying to prove alex's is stupid. srsly]

if chinese people have as bad english as i think...
she might not even be grade6.
but if you compare china's english vs canada's chinese.
china wins.
i'm not even grade 2/3 chinese.
thats slightly depressing. <-randombs.

stalker notes will be updated (?)

oh and just to remind myself, there's a "spy store" at burrard and broadway



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