Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome Back, T1B1.

I've done a total of 25 blogs in the summer, but I couldn't do they on blogspot as china blocks it for some random reason. So I had them on Hotmail. CLICK HERE NAO
Well, back to business. Schools pretty boring for the meantime, but I KNOW that it'll be eyeball ripping painful sooner or later. Too bad my hands going to be dead for another month. DARNED COMPUTER! D:

Oh and I wonder if I know anymore Middle Ye- I mean Synergy (=.=) kids.

YAYYYY. First day of full school and I'm already screwed. Messed up timetable + messed up brain = fail.


But the new way of sending things is a bit weird. o-o"

Kay baii!


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